Editing Services
Every story deserves thoughtful editing to help it shine. Below, you'll find a breakdown of my services and rates. Because each manuscript has unique needs, I offer a sliding scale for pricing to ensure every project gets the attention it requires. To help you decide if we're a good fit, I also provide a complimentary sample edit of up to 1,000 words.
Developmental Editing: Filling in those blank spaces.
Does your draft need some TLC, or is your complete manuscript ready for some extra love? I offer developmental editing that's customized for your story's journey. I'm here to help your whole story shine, from beginning to end, while keeping your unique voice front and center.
As your developmental editor, I will:
Help you enhance your story and refine it until it resonates deeply with readers.
Analyze your plot beat by beat, adding ideas that might add tension or help with pacing. If there's romance, I'll show you where the sparks fly and where they might need a little extra fuel.
Strengthen your characters' arcs, backstories, dynamics, and all the things that make characters tick.
Ensure your characters' journeys are both compelling and authentic for the reader.
Give you solutions, not just point out what isn't working. This includes an outline addressing structural concerns along with fresh story ideas that complement your original concepts. We'll take your narrative to the next level.
Crafted with care and attention, my feedback is detailed, thorough, and customized exclusively for your work. So, if you're ready to "begin again" with your manuscript, let's collaborate and craft a narrative that will hook readers from start to finish.
$0.015 - $0.018 per word
Line Editing: Tailoring your content to resonate with your audience.
My line editing services are designed to ensure that your syntax and word choice not only flow seamlessly, but also remain true to your unique narrative voice. I'm not just here to dot the i's and cross the t's of grammar and punctuation; I'm here to help you sculpt your prose into a masterpiece.
As your line editor, I will:
Suggest where to add to or trim scenes to help your story flow effortlessly.
Address inconsistencies in plot points and character descriptions or details.
Fact check dates, events, allusions to other works, etc.
Help you strike that perfect balance between show vs. tell.
Eliminate distracting or unrealistic dialogue and narration to keep your readers engaged.
Recommend additional details where the reader may need clarity.
Ensure consistency in your word choice throughout the manuscript against your personal style and the Chicago Manual of Style.
Prepare for extensive edits that go beyond the surface. My line editing is a transformative process that elevates your manuscript while also honing your craft as a writer. Line editing guarantees your book will leave your readers enchanted, one sentence at a time.
$0.014 - $0.016 per word
Copy Editing: Revising for style and precision.
Copy editing goes beyond mere proofreading. It's an involved process that touches on multiple aspects of your text, ensuring your manuscript reaches its full potential.
As your copy editor, I will:
Check for continuity and consistency in your storyline: characterization inconsistencies, factual inaccuracies, and tense continuity issues.
Look out for typos and spelling errors to ensure precision and correctness.
Address any grammatical errors and syntactical issues that might disrupt the narrative flow.
Resolve inconsistencies in spelling and capitalization to maintain cohesion throughout the manuscript.
Catch missing or duplicate words, ensuring that every sentence makes sense.
Address tone and style deviations, wordiness, confusing syntax, problematic word choices, and uneven flow.
Handle formatting issues, such as proper usage of quotation marks, dashes and dialogue tags, and eliminate unnecessary spaces.
My copy editing services are designed to ensure clarity and accuracy, refining your manuscript into a cohesive, readable work that captivates your readers and elevates your content to its fullest potential, making your whole book shimmer.
$0.013 - $0.015 per word
Proofreading: Ensuring a fearless, flawless finish.
Proofreading is the "safety net" before your words officially go into the world. This is the final sweep, catching any last-minute errors or inconsistencies that could mar your work's professionalism and reception.
As your proofreader, I will:
Hunt down and eliminate remaining typos to maintain the professionalism of your work.
Ensure there are no misspelled or misused words, leaving no "affect," "their," or "whom" left unchecked.
Correct every grammatical hiccup so nothing disrupts the flow of your narrative.
Double-check spelling and capitalization consistencies throughout the work.
Identify and rectify any missing or duplicate words.
Address lingering formatting issues with punctuation marks, paragraphs, or spacing.
Make certain your chapters are numbered correctly and sequentially.
Proofreading is the last line of defense in the writing process. At this stage, I ensure your manuscript is free from any imperfections that could undermine your hard work. This is the essential final step to ensure your book will leave your readers wonderstruck.
$0.01 - $0.013 per word
Contact me for a quote or to determine which stage is the best fit for your manuscript.
I can't wait to work with you!
*Rates are based on market data.